Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tips Tricks How to Use the Control Panel

Tips Tricks How to Use the Control Panel Tips for Using the Control Panel When logged in, you will see a table with a list of all your orders. If you have a total of more than 8 orders, we will split your orders into pages. There are several columns in the table. Column Date shows the date when the order was placed. Deadline column only shows a deadline for orders that are currently in progress and will display late orders in red color. The Progress column displays the progress of the paper. Not every writer keeps the client notified of the progress, so if you feel like you need to know what is going on, click the Request progress update link from the Actions menu. The Writer column will show writer ID. It is done mainly to help you sort the orders by the writer ID, to have the idea how many of your orders are done by the same writer. In Quick actions column you have access to some quick actions you can perform with an order, without accessing the page for that order. Below you can also see a block that is called One-touch support request. This block will help you send a message for any order you have in progress without opening the corresponding order details page. You can send a message to staff or to the writer. This is useful when you have a quick comment for the writer, or when there is no update on the order and you want to notify staff about it. Click on the corresponding order to access a detailed information and actions page. On this page, you will be able to upload additional instructions, communicate with the writer or staff directly.

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